Dermal Fillers

dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers

This is a medical procedure that is performed by our inhouse doctor, Dr Bart Kurek. In order to go ahead with this treatment, you will first need to book a face-to-face consultation with Dr Bart. If you have any questions, please email directly.

Do you feel younger than your age? Some days when you look in the mirror, you may feel like you don’t recognise your reflection. You may notice dark circles under your eyes despite a good night’s sleep. Or maybe you wonder if those lines have always been there. These signs of the natural ageing process are noticeable due to a steady loss of volume of your facial fat pads, and it happens to everyone. Fortunately, Dr Bart from Fourways Aesthetic Centre can help you look refreshed, naturally.

What do dermal fillers do?

Through a series of small injections with dermal fillers, Dr Bart will restore the volume of your facial fat pads as necessary for a more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a product that your body produces naturally. These fillers differ in consistency and concentration for different indications, and the doctor will use a specific product for a particular ageing indication for natural, appropriate, and individualised results.

First, you will undergo a consultation process with Dr Bart, where he will carefully examine your face and discuss your concerns. He will then detail a treatment journey specific to you, based on your expectations and realistically achievable results. Ensuring a naturally rejuvenated look is his ultimate goal.

Dr Bart will explain your treatment goals in detail to ensure you understand and feel comfortable with your treatment plan, which may include dermal fillers.

When dermal fillers are applied to the areas where your fat pads require volume restoration, they restore your facial shape to look naturally great for your age. We want you to look refreshed, healthy, and rejuvenated without anyone asking if you’ve had any work done to your face.

Treatment areas may include the temples, cheeks, under-eyes, jawline, mouth, and chin. The enhancement achieved with dermal fillers may also minimise lines that form due to sagging skin.

Dermal fillers are used to restore volume.

You may find effects such as:

  • Your face is subtly lifted
  • Your jawline appears more defined
  • Your smile is more genuine
  • Your eyes appear less tired
  • Your youthful cheekbones are noticeable
  • A slimmer facial appearance
  • Adjusted facial proportions
  • Focused results, such as lip rejuvenation
  • Improved feminine OR masculine features

This leads to an overall more pleasant appearance while simultaneously reducing some of the fine lines you may scrutinise in the mirror.

Depending on your lifestyle, a dermal filler treatment could last up to 18 months. Dr Bart will discuss this with you during your consultation to give you an idea of what to expect.

dermal fillers

Juvederm® Vycross® Collection

We also introduce to you the Juvederm® Vycross® Collection of Volux, Voluma, Volift and Violbella fillers, the latest technology in Facial Fillers.

Juvederm Vycross Collection: Price on Request

All Juvederm Hyaluronic Acid Fillers contain lidocaine to reduce discomfort during and after the treatment.

Areas treated:

  • Deep, stubborn forehead lines (treated in conjunction with neurotoxin/anti-wrinkle injections)
  • Cheek augmentation
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Jowls
  • Lip filling and augmentation
  • Fine and deep lines
  • Acne scarring

Visit for more information on these outstanding treatments.

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